Monday, 29 December 2014

Best of #twinnieisms 2014

I finally joined Twitter in June this year.  It's been a long, hard road, trying to get myself out there in Twitter Land to share the shenanigans of my lovely seven year old twins Leon and Mya, captured through the #twinnieisms and other happenings that I find funny, even if no one else does.  I have yet to achieve world domination, but if the #twinnieisms brighten one persons day, I'll be a happy gal.  Here's a snapshot of their antics over the last few months.  Enjoy.

@RussellLucina Dec 28 
My heart in my mouth driving in frost. 'Just think of warm, hot summers Mam & it will all seem better' #twinnieisms 

@RussellLucina Dec 24 
Leon, writing up 2015 calendar. 'Mam, isn't your birthday near Loving's Day?' 'It's Valentine's Day son' #twinnieisms 
@RussellLucina Dec 24 
Wee man doesn't like the idea of Santa sneaking around while we sleep. Says he prefers the 'pretend Santas' instead #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Dec 21   
'Mam, if you squish your boobies together, they look like a bum. You should glue them together and draw googly eyes on them #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Dec 21  
Early AM conversation '#Santa has to go everywhere Mam, places like Connaught and Brazil' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Dec 20  
'YOU are not the boss of me. God is', sez the young fella. I didn't ask if God was a man or a woman #twinnieisms #HeDidntHearThatFromMe

@RussellLucina Dec 13
#Christmas decorating underway. Leon wants to 'invite people to turning on of the lights' #twinnieisms #PartyInMine

@RussellLucina Dec 13  
Mya is hoping she doesn't get 'stage fright' during her school carol service tomorrow #twinnieisms #Christmas #Frozen

@RussellLucina Dec 11  
How to explain that the mutt is having the snip tomorrow #BirdsAndTheBees #twinnieisms 'Mam, is Hudson going to die? 

@RussellLucina Dec 10  
Oh no ! Leon decided to  hack his hair off. Looks like an escapee #twinnieisms #ScissorSisters #LOLS

@RussellLucina Dec 9 
Watching @jamieoliver stuffing a #Christmas goose on TV. 'Where did its poo go Mam ... And its head ... And it's eyeballs ... ?' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Dec ??? 
Hysterical tears ... 'Mam, Leon said I'm rubbish at singing the #Frozen song'. #TheUltimateInsult #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Dec 3
Wee man asked if he could have a fork to scratch his bum. #twinnieisms @newbridgesilver

@RussellLucina Dec 1??
3am shout from the bedroom 'Dad, can I have a chocolate from my #Advent calendar ?' #Christmas #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 29
'Mam ! Mam ! Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'. 'What does that mean Mya ?' 'I don't know' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 24 
Wee man roars -I love Dad and Mya and my friends and Hudson and hens and the gold fish and my dead pets more than I love you!! #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 22 
Wee man appears with the vacuum cleaner 'I need to cool down my armpits' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 22 
Saturday 6.20am. The ideal time for kids to reread all of their old birthday cards. Look at this one Mam !' #WhatLieOn? #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 12  
Hysterical 7 year old announces that his twin sister has 'ruined his life' because she won't share her Moshi Monster toys #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 8  
My kids thought that the safe in the hotel wardrobe was a microwave @dromolandcastle #dontgetoutmuch #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 6  
6am bedroom visit from my boy and the dog. 'Mam, Hudson's farts stink. They aren't fresh and clean like mine' #perfumepants #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Nov 3  
Wee man in a heap with the winter vomiting bug. His sad, watery face looked up from the bowl. 'Mam, am I going to die ?' Cratur #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Oct 11 
Mam, can you look for 'naked people getting wedgies' on YouTube, sez my boy. Don't think so son #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Oct 9 
'Mam, I wouldn't like a staple in my nose or my bum', sez Leon. 'Me neither', sez I #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina  Oct 3  
Leon looked at this T-shirt in the mirror. Mam, does this say 'A nuts ass ?' (His t-shirt read  SA TUNA) LOL #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina  Oct 2  
5.20am, Leon roaring, SOMEONE help me now PLEASE ! I run like Liam Neeson in Taken. The boy just needed 'an emergency cuddle' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Sep 28 
'Mam, what would happen if you stuck your tongue out at a Garda ?' I suggested that he tries it out to see #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Sep 25  
Early AM question from Leon 'Mam, why does the #ploughingchampionships2014 have to take place in a field ?' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Sep 17 
Bathroom invasion as I apply fake tan. After a sniff, my boy tells me that I 'still smell better than the dog' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Sep 14  
6am Q & A with my boy, looking at photo of The Kiss sculpture. 'Why are the people naked ? Are they just showing off ?' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Sep 14  
Usual battle to dress Leon. 'Mam, if you let me wear the clothes that I want to wear, I'll be as happy as a big smiley face' #twinnieisms :-)

@RussellLucina Sep 8  
#jammakingonaschoolnight Leon watching blackberries boil. 'Look Mam, they have turned into raspberries', as they turn red #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Sep 3 
'Mam, can we buy cat food ?' 'We don't have a cat Leon'. '... Just in case we get one Mam' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Aug 28 
'Mam, can you give me a cuddle so that I don't get sore ?' ;Sore, what do you mean Mya ?' 'Cuddles stop my growing pains' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Aug 28
'Are you picking your nose again Leon ?'  'No, Mam, I'm just cleaning it out' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Aug 27 
Feeling like a big man, having moved into First Class, Leon said the Junior Infants 'are so small and adorable' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Aug 27  
Mya : 'What was my first word as a baby?' 'Mama'.  Leon 'what was mine?' 'Dada'. 'Why wasn't it ''wood''? ' #twinnieisms #firstdaybackbrainworking

@RussellLucina Aug 21 
'Mam, can you give me a wedgie, so that I can scratch myself ?' #twinnieisms

@RussellLucina Aug 12  
Home after four day in their grandparents house in Meath. 'It's good to be back in Ireland' sez little man #twinnieisms

... Archiving their earlier twinnieisms (pre hash tag) is a work in progress ...

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